Liu Xiao
About Me
Liu Xiao, a confused graduate student nearing graduation, wants to write something...
I am a graduate student in agriculture and a bioinformatics enthusiast who loves open source and sharing.
In 2022, I started my Master's degree career.
I am a graduate student at Lanzhou University, specializing in Animal Science.
Be honest with yourself.
About this blog
This is a blog maintained by liuxiao, which is mainly used to record some of the cross-cutting fields of animal science that I have studied during my graduate studies.
Menu bar of this site
- Home: The homepage of the blog
- About: Introduction to the blog and me
- Tags: thinking
- Search: You can search something on my site
Mission of this Site
- Record my study experience
- Share some literature views
- Advance in coding
Find Me Somewhere Else
If you have any questions, please contact me through the following ways:
- E-mail:
- Wechat: kento_louis
- Github: